Sunday, March 1, 2009

Found the man of peace

Our team sailed for one and a half hours through early morning of February 28th, as the brilliant and vivid sunrise shouted God’s glory. Waking before dawn is not one of my strong suits, but watching light break into darkness as God gently coaxed the sun over the black horizon of the South Pacific left me speechless and made the effort worthwhile. It was a quiet, wind swept time to pray and meditate, preparing ourselves and our hearts for what only God could accomplish on the Galapagos Island of Floreanna. The journey, and His display of grandeur left no doubt in my mind that His light would break forth as powerfully on this previously unchurched island as it had that morning.

Floreanna has two hundred residents who live within a governmentally protected national park. People are not allowed to move onto the island without special permission and as such it is fairly isolated. Soon after we dispersed into the community and began sharing the gospel, we met the president of the island. This man, after hearing the gospel, became our “man of peace.” Through the power and persuasion of the Holy Spirit, this leader in the community provided us free transportation, approved the request for a pastor from the mother church of Santa Cruz to relocate with his family to the island, and gave permission for an existing building to be used for future church services. We know that the angels in heaven rejoice over each new believer. That day in heaven must have been glorious as we had the privilege of welcoming 36 new brothers and sisters into the family of God and from that body of believers a new church was born.

Heading back to Santa Cruz against the current was a mighty bumpy ride but was made bearable when the Lord blessed us this a school, pack, herd, whatever…of dolphins swimming and jumping alongside our boat. It was fantastic.

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