Thursday, May 10, 2012

The work in Thailand is not done...will you go?

It has been a challenging time of transition as God has called us back to the US for a season.  Despite the relocation, God is continuing to do amazing things in Thailand and we are privileged to be able to participate in His work both from a distance and through leading short term teams.

Later this month Kelly will return to Thailand for several days of ministry before meeting up with an E3 team in East Asia.  During his time in Thailand he will participate in strategic planning meetings with other church planters to coordinate efforts to reach the Northern Thai people.  Despite missionary activity in the region for more than 100 years, this people group remains unreached.  Kelly will also be training pastors from the Lahu people group in church planting techniques and challenging them to begin reaching their neighbors, the Northern Thai, in addition to making disciples of their own people.  Finally, he will be meeting with several key players who work to stop slavery in the region.  He will be presenting the first draft of the new evange-cube type tool we are developing to educate people about the dangers and realities of human trafficking.  We will then use their input to make whatever adjustments are necessary for the tool to be understood and effective. 

Part of the E3 strategy is to use short-term teams from America to partner with local churches.  As of part of the training done ahead of time, pastors prayerfully prepare an action plan for how to reach their own communities.  Once our short term teams arrive they partner with the pastor and other local believers to implement the plan.  Working together with the nationals the American team prepares the soil through prayer and plants seeds through evangelism.  They are enabled to communicate and have an impact through a translator.  Do you love the idea of adventure?  Or are you terrified of flying? Are you intrigued by the mystery of other cultures? Or do you have a phobia of speaking to strangers even in your own language?   Great, then you are a perfect fit!   We need you. God can use your strengths and weaknesses for His glory.  Please consider joining us on the field for a short term trip in October.  Click HERE for more information.