The location
and isolation of the Catamount* people create nearly insurmountable barriers
for them to be reached with the transforming power of the gospel. They are classified as an Unreached People
Group(UPG) because there are fewer than 100 believers in the whole people. Most Catamount live in log homes built on
sunny mountain slopes in the foothills of the Himalayas. They are farmers
who raise crops and animals to survive in the harsh region. They remain
some of the poorest minorities in East Asia** and often lack proper education,
health care, nutrition and clothes. It is with great excitement that we
have watched God raise a team of Americans to join me on a semi-extreme
expedition to take the Good News to villages where most have never heard of the
One True God. The team will daily visit homes doing evangelism and
discipleship with prayer of laying a foundation of a new church. We will
also use reading glasses, building greenhouses and other community projects as
tools to open the doors to the villages. Would you like be a part of this
work from the safety of your own home? As
we hike through mountain villages where the name Jesus hasn’t been spoken, we
need you to fight for the awakening of these people in prayer? Do you want
to do something that not only makes a difference in someone’s daily life, but
could make a difference in eternity?
Then join us in prayer and see how God uses those prayers to glorify
- The
e3 leaders as we do final training of the team and logistic arrangements
- For
the team to obtain necessary visas, as the embassy for this country has gotten
very strict
- For
the team as they prepare and make arrangements to leave family and work
For the
health and safety of the family members left behind in the States so that the
team is not distracted from the work God has for them to accomplish.
- For
safe and speedy travel from June 3 – 13th
- For
open hearts and homes as we carry the light of Christ into new territory
- For
energetic and healthy bodies
- For
protection from the enemy and government officials
*The name of the people group has been changed to
“Catamount” for the protection of the local believers.
**We use East Asia as a broad regional name when talking about this specific closed country. Email us in you need more clues about the actual country.