Friday, June 12, 2009

Exploring Huancayo

This update comes written from a pillow covered seat, where I sit quite gingerly after a three hour horse ride yesterday afternoon. We decided to remain in the Huancayo valley this week and what an adventure we are having! We have used our time to explore further opportunities for our team coming in August, relax and even play before our summer shifts into high gear. Yesterday was a bit of all we explored, we hiked up a mountain where we could see snow covered peaks. We learned about a pre-Incan civilization as we walked through ruins from 1200 A.D. learning more about the synchronistic traditions of the descended Quechua people. And yes, we spent three wonderful, exhilarating hours on strong-willed horses that had agendas of their own. Some highlights include one of our guides having to dismount and chase Maverek and his horse on foot, when they apparently had collectively decided to conquer a narrow and steep mountain trail. The horse objected strongly and Maverek laughed and hooted vigorously at having to be led back down the precipitous trail by hand. Another highlight was when the horses, tired from carrying their burdens, decided to race through the cobblestone streets of the village back to camp. Seriously… hang-on-for-dear-life, hair flying in the wind, galloping…no exaggeration here, we have the bruised bottoms to show for it, not that we will show you such embarrassing proof. Of course, Maverek won the race, KJ was a close 2nd, Scarlet 3rd, and I, clinging with white knuckles, brought up the rear, if there was any doubt in your minds.

Tomorrow morning, Friday June 12th, we will board a bus for the precarious, curvy, six hour ride back down to Lima. I will miss the views from the highest mountain pass at 16,000 feet because I will be in a Dramamine induced coma, but I am sure the family can fill you in on the details. Thank you for your love and prayers we are anxiously waiting to see Him glorified in our work here this summer.

With Love,
Jenni for the family

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